A Little About Me - The Messy Painter



I’m Crystina, with a “Y” and I’m the artist, illustrator & designer behind The Messy Painter.  Even though The Messy Painter has been around for 5 or so years now, I thought it was finally time for you to get to know me a little better.

The Messy Painter was born…kind of on accident! What started out as a side hustle during my art teacherin’ years, has evolved into a full scale, creative design studio. I am incredibly passionate about merging hand-crafted artwork + illustrations with digital surfaces and luxury papers to bring together the dreamiest possible designs. I specialize in bringing couple’s wedding stationery dreams to life, creating patterns + designs for different textiles + products, and I run an art shop filled with watercolor paintings of things that inspire me. I am incredibly inspired by music, architecture, folk art, children’s books, illustrated encyclopedias, florals of all kinds, interior design and being outside - but I can really find inspiration in just about anything. Bonus points if it’s super colorful - seriously, give me ALL the color


Aside from running The Messy Painter, I’m also a toddler mama (send help), a future bride (we’ll have this wedding one of these days!), a red wine + pizza enthusiast, and a book hoarder. 

I am 100% never going to be a morning person despite my many years of trying, and please don’t ever ask me to run a 5K or any kind of “K” (kindly, hell no). And even though I love and depend on coffee, I lose my cup of it around the house about 12x a day on average - So I’m working on how to better caffeinate myself. The ocean will forever be my calm place, but I can never get enough of the fast paced energy of a city (originally a Bostonian!). I prefer winter to summer because sweaters and boots are so much cuter than shorts and flip flops.

I’m quite bossy and sometimes impulsive - but these qualities have served me well and pushed me towards chasing my dreams. I don’t struggle with decision making (unless you ask me to pick just ONE color) and I don’t mind taking a risk which makes life pretty interesting (or dangerous… to be determined). Once you get to know me, you’ll find that I’m actually very silly and just incredibly passionate about living life.

 I am deeply interested in just about ALL things creative; some days I feel like I can’t move my hands fast enough to make everything spewing out of my brain. While it can be hard to keep up with myself - that’s how I prefer it. 

I believe that a life best lived is one that is filled with imperfection, messes, things made with your own two hands, and lots of love. I hope you find some of that here and that I can inspire you to find some magic in the messes of your everyday life.



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Crystina Castiglione